What’s it all about? And why would anyone want to read it? Well, let me try to explain without losing your interest too quickly. Basically, it’s all about me. Shameless self-promotion: of my writing, of my novels:
Where Are the Cocoa Puffs? and Reis's Pieces, of my amazing ability to come up with clever captions on photos of my travels . . . And also, a blatant representation of my stupidity when it comes to spelling, editing, and computer-type stuff.

My debut novel:
Where are the Cocoa Puffs?: A Family's Journey Through Bipolar Disorder was released in September of 2010. My second novel: Reis's Pieces: Love, Loss, and Schizophrenia, was released May, 2012!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New publication date is now set for August 30th, 2010 for:

Where Are the Cocoa Puffs?

We’ve also decided on a subtitle: A Family’s Journey Through Bipolar Disorder. What do you think? We’re working hard on proof reading and final tweaks.
Cover?… soon!


  1. I like it- my "poison" is fruit loops, lol...very appropriate for me. I am also working on a book,haven't decided on a title yet. I am a mom of 5, still undiagnosed as far as being bipolar but pretty sure after years of depressive and mania that this is what it is...it would also make some sense having produced 3, yes, 3 bipolar daughters and one with recurring depression. So my life is a little more challenging than some. I cannot wait to read your book. I too believe sharing our stories helps others. I am not ashamed. There is no shame in mental illness.

  2. Thank you, Priscilla, for your interest in my book. Let's keep sharing stories. No shame!

  3. Love it, the thought, the premise behind it, etc... although like Priscilla, I'm a sucker for Fruit Loops. (I take them by the baggieful to the movies, and anyplace I might need a quick yummy snack)

    Keep us posted as to when your book comes out. If it's anything like I just read, I might need a few stitches by the time I've finished it, but it will be more than worth it!! :D :D :D

